News & Fund raising events Archive

Anniversary story in the Mail on Sunday

Stuart (Andrew's brother) and his wife Lucy were flown out to Thailand at the beginning of December to re visit Phi Phi to see how it had changed one year on. An article was written about their visit and the Mail on Sunday kindly donated £550 to the fund to help with the funding of the 'Adopt an orphan' programme.

Jamming Session in Glasgow raises funds

Andy's father, John and regular members who attend the Thursday night Jamming Session at the Samuel Dow Pub in Glasgow held a fund raising evening in December. A total of £356.56 was raised through the sale of wrist bands, a raffle and an auction.

Rotary Club of Scunthorpe
Kindly donated funds from their Christmas Quiz, raising £500.

8 Dec 2005 - Sponsored Climb of Sydney Harbour Bridge
Whilst in Australia visiting a relative, Sandra Bell (Natalie's mother) climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge. She received sponsorship totalling £860. Well done Sandra!

Sandra at the top of the bridge

Sandra's story in The Daily Mirror
The Daily Mirror national newspaper published a diary of Sandra's year, starting from when the Tsunami struck. The story made a great impact, and led to donations from the public totalling £1,300, including the money so kindly donated by St Johns C of E Walham Green Primary School in Fulham. The school had originally collected the money in the immediate aftermath of the Tsunami, but had wanted to donate their collection to a specific fund, rather than to the more general DEC appeal.

13 Nov 2005 - Family Fun Run
The Family Fun Run took place on Sunday 13th November at Legbourne, Lincolnshire; Natalie's home village and where Nat and Andy got married. The final figure raised was £2085.70.

Thanks go to the local newspaper, the "Louth Leader" for its support for the event.

On your marks, get set. GO!